- 1,求林依晨陈柏霖主演的电影恋爱恐惧症里面的所有歌曲
- 2,求电影《恋爱恐惧症》中一段插曲
- 3,恋爱恐慌症32分钟时的插曲
- 4,求中二病也要谈恋爱中的所有歌曲名称(OP、ED和插曲)
- 5,(急)恋爱恐慌症 里面的钢琴曲叫什么?!
- 6,问一下恋爱恐慌症里最后婚礼上的英文歌曲!
- 7,恋爱恐慌症的片尾曲

插曲:《杜U Love Me》 演唱:王力宏 《伯牙绝弦》 演唱:王力宏 主题曲:《你不知道的事》 演唱:王力宏 片尾曲:《夜车》 演唱:曾轶可 插曲: 《美》 演唱:王力宏 插曲: 《十八般武艺》 演唱:王力宏 插曲:《每个人都会》 演唱:方大同(方大同作为杜明汉的特别嘉宾演唱的歌曲) 插曲:《天涯海角》 演唱:王力宏(杜明汉演唱会歌曲) 插曲:《唯一》 演唱:王力宏 插曲:《快给大忙人让路》(费加罗) 插曲: 《破晓》(杜明汉睡不着觉时床头放的歌)
| 一级 经历过或者看过某些事情以后对恋爱产生一种害怕,不信任的感觉。 想摆脱这习惯,却担心陷入那状态,害怕关系的确立,担心一旦确立了关系之后既往的感情就一去不返。 害怕着没有永恒,其实或许是缺乏自信的表现。林依晨和陈柏霖在为电影《恋爱恐惧症》宣传由林依晨和陈柏霖主演的爱情电影《恋爱恐惧症》10月14日在内地公映,该片分析了如今剩男剩女越来越多的现象。在昨日该片的宣传记者会上,林依晨称自己也曾有过“恋爱恐惧症”,不过现在已经克服了,对待爱情她将“坚持到底”。 插曲:《杜U Love Me》 演唱:王力宏 《伯牙绝弦》 演唱:王力宏 主题曲:《你不知道的事》 演唱:王力宏 片尾曲:《夜车》 演唱:曾轶可 插曲: 《美》 演唱:王力宏 插曲: 《十八般武艺》 演唱:王力宏 插曲:《每个人都会》 演唱:方大同(方大同作为杜明汉的特别嘉宾演唱的歌曲) 插曲:《天涯海角》 演唱:王力宏(杜明汉演唱会歌曲) 插曲:《唯一》 演唱:王力宏 插曲:《快给大忙人让路》(费加罗) 插曲: 《破晓》(杜明汉睡不着觉时床头放的歌)
歌曲名:Can't Take My Eyes Off You 原唱:Frankie Valli 作曲:Bob Gaudio 作词:Bob Crewe 歌词: you're just too good to be true can't take my eyes off you you'd be like heaven to touch i wanna hold you so much at long last love has arrived and i thank god i'm alive you're just too good to be true can't take my eyes off you pardon the way that i stare there's nothing else to 。pare the sight of you leaves me weak there are no words left to speak but if you feel like i feel please let me know that it's real you're just too good to be true can't take my eyes off you i love you baby,and if it's quite all right i need you baby to warm the lonely night i love you baby trust in me when i say (it's) ok oh pretty baby,don't let me down,i pray oh pretty baby,now that i found you stay and let me love you,oh baby, let me love you, you'er just too good to be true can't take my eyes off you you'd be like heaven to touch i wanna hold you so much at long last love has arrived and i thank god i'm alive you're just too good to be true can't take my eyes off you i love you baby,and if it's quite all right i need you baby to warm the lonely night i love you baby trust in me when i say (it's) ok oh pretty baby,don't let me down,i pray oh pretty baby,now that i found you stay and let me love you,oh baby, let me love you, oh baby
op Sparkling Daydream
插曲 始まりの种
lite 君へ
lite ed 漆黒に跃る弧浊覇王节
覚醒ラグナロク -暗黒黙示録-
Dark Death Decoration
剧场版 -Across the line-
剧场版ed Secret Survivo
ed Van!shment Th!s World
lite ed 深渊に舞う戦栗谢肉祭
5,(急)恋爱恐慌症 里面的钢琴曲叫什么?!
小柔和男护士谈得钢琴曲是原创 结合了卡农 还有summer等各种曲子
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzE0MTc2NDA4.html 这是视频 已经截好了的噢
有人说的是这首钢琴曲 楼至也可以听听看 through the arbor-卡文科恩
这是我的回答 如满意 请采纳
歌曲名:Can't Take My Eyes Off You
原唱:Frankie Valli
作曲:Bob Gaudio
作词:Bob Crewe
you're just too good to be true
can't take my eyes off you
you'd be like heaven to touch
i wanna hold you so much
at long last love has arrived
and i thank god i'm alive
you're just too good to be true
can't take my eyes off you
pardon the way that i stare
there's nothing else to compare
the sight of you leaves me weak
there are no words left to speak
but if you feel like i feel
please let me know that it's real
you're just too good to be true
can't take my eyes off you
i love you baby,and if it's quite all right
i need you baby to warm the lonely night
i love you baby
trust in me when i say (it's) ok
oh pretty baby,don't let me down,i pray
oh pretty baby,now that i found you stay
and let me love you,oh baby,
let me love you,
you'er just too good to be true
can't take my eyes off you
you'd be like heaven to touch
i wanna hold you so much
at long last love has arrived
and i thank god i'm alive
you're just too good to be true
can't take my eyes off you
i love you baby,and if it's quite all right
i need you baby to warm the lonely night
i love you baby
trust in me when i say (it's) ok
oh pretty baby,don't let me down,i pray
oh pretty baby,now that i found you stay
and let me love you,oh baby,
let me love you, oh baby
The Hymn (O What Mercy) by Tim be told
Verse 1
O what mercy has been granted me
for the filthy rags I’ve worn
clothed in sacrifice to great to speak
and of new life reborn
still my darkness veils all the victories
that you’ve seen me through
the prisons I have counted each
a wall of sin so high I cannot reach
Jesus Christ who died for me
gave his life so that I could be free
he gave his life so that I could be free
Verse 2
They come to you weary broken torn
and lay their sorrows at your feet
parched and hungry for a taste of joy and from suffering find retreat
but our silence veils all the answers
that they seek from you
children cry to see your face
poor men desperate for your arms of grace
Jesus Christ who died for them
by your scars we pray their wounds will mend
by your scars we pray their wounds will mend
Verse 3
Our God of grace
our deliverer
to you be glory and fame
all our treasures we have counted loss
for to surrender is to gain
but your hope unveils all the answers
and reveals the Truth
by the cross you made a way
you will bring us to your home one day
Jesus Christ for us you died
gave the world Your love though we denied