1、安庆天柱山。天柱山,位于安庆市潜山县西部,又名皖山,是为安徽简称“皖”之由来。天柱山是国家5A级旅游景区,也是安徽三大名山之一。主要有“胖见愁”、“弃暗投明”、“神龙见尾不见首”等特有景观,还有“仰天大佛”、“天柱晴雪”、”翠华回音“以及西关雪霁,南关雾凇,东关云海等景观。白居易赞曰:”天柱一峰擎日月,洞门千仞锁云雷“。 2、巨石山。国家AAAA级旅游景区。因丰富的自然景观和独特的人文景观吸引八方游客,有48峰、18岭、81奇石、180洞、6岛,山青水秀,石奇洞幽。是国家级野生白班兰基地,全国最大的拓展训练基地。景区素以龙山、凤水、神石、奇洞、白玉兰 “五绝”闻名于世。竹林似海,松风如涛,枫叶胜火,更有满山遍野的野生白玉兰,在华东地区绝无仅有,全国亦属罕见,如今白玉兰已经成为巨石山景区一张闪亮的名片,盛大的“野生玉兰节”已经连续举办了两届,野生白玉兰的品牌影响力在逐渐向全国延伸。 3、五千年文博园。五千年文博园以“中华文化主题公园”为建设宗旨,园内采用古典徽派建筑与苏州园林风格相结合,亭台楼阁、小桥流水、碑廊石刻、文化名景尽含其中,处处流露和谐文化的思想,人文气息浓郁,华夏五千年的文化经典在这里得以彰显与传承,并集旅游、展演、研讨、休闲、娱乐等多种功能为一体。 4、白崖寨风景名胜区。白崖寨是一座古城堡,因山多白崖而得其名。至今仍完好无损地留存着七百年前的山寨遗址,其白崖石砌的古城墙绵延十余华里,为华东地区保护最完整的古山城,被文史专家誉称为南国小长城。“安徽省重点文物保护单位”的大理石碑就立在“一夫当关万夫莫开”的山寨门口。 5、小孤山 。国家AAA级旅游景区。小孤山是长江中一座石屿,以其独立无依而得名。被誉为长江“中流砥柱”,是全国纬度最高的妈祖庙所在。
2,英语作文介绍景点的 30 60字的
普陀山的海天景色,不论在哪一个景区、景点,都使人感到海阔天空。虽有海风怒号,浊浪排空,却并不使人有惊涛骇浪之感,只觉得这些异景厅观使人振奋。 普陀山既以海天壮阔取胜,又以山林深邃见长。登山揽胜,眺望碧海,一座座海岛浮在海面上,点点白帆行驶其间,景色极为动人。 普陀山的风景名胜、游览点很多,有著名的磐陀石、二龟听法石、海天佛国石、潮音洞和梵音洞。 岛的四周有许多沙滩,主要的是百步沙和千步沙。千步沙是一个弧形沙滩,夏天,可在这里畅游。 普陀山作为佛教胜地,主要寺院有:普济、法雨、慧济三大寺,每年前来朝圣的中外香客多达百万计。 Putuo mountain scenery, regardless of the horizon where a scenic spots, and makes the person feels singsing. Although have crossed, sea, but does not make empty turbid have paradises feeling, just think of these different landscape concept makes people exciting. Hall, Mount putuo is to win, and magnificent Haitian on deep. LanSheng mountaineering, overlooking the blue, a floating in the sea island, white dots on the road, scenery is moving. Putuo mountain scenic spot, YouLanDian many, have famous rock tuo, two turtles to buddhist stone, stone, Haitian tide sound holes and Vatican sound holes. Around the sunny island beach, there are many major is sand and 1000 steps. Thousands of step sand beaches, summer is a curved, swim here. Putuo mountain is mainly buddhist temples are:, resort, fayu lifeline and each year, the pilgrimage to abbots pilgrims up and millions.
The river of anhui LongKouCun farm in anqing city, the area is about 15000 square meters. The site of the strata accumulation under neolithic cultural level subordinates, found 11 a vertical hole tomb pits and the ash pits, ZhuDong remains, etc. Unearthed relics including pottery, jade, the stone, the combination of the basic pottery, beans, pot, and the other saw a more coloured drawing or pattern tao. The master of the cultural features of city ruins the xue family culture, s equivalent to the site of the second phase of the house of hazael, its unearthed, is the study of xue family culture provides new material. Anhui province key units of cultural relics protection