- 1,40个英语工作单词
- 2,(颓废)用英语单词怎么写?
- 3,颓废英文怎么说?
- 4,decadent什么意思
- 5,Decadent是什么意思不明白
- 6,Pet Shop Boys的《Decadence》 歌词
- 7,love ect lrc歌词 pet shop boy

actor / 5AktE/ 男演员
actress / 5Aktris/ 女演员
singer / 5siNE/ 歌手
dancer / 5da:nsE/ 舞蹈家
musician / mju:5ziFEn/ 音乐家
pianist / 5pjAnist/ 钢琴家
painter / 5peintE/ 画家,油漆匠
teacher / 5ti:tFE/ 教师
professor / prE5fesE/ 教授
headmaster / 5hed5ma:stE/ 中小学校长
headmistress / 5hed5mistris/ 中小学女校长
headteacher / 5hedti:tFE/ 校长
director / di5rektE/ 导演
editor / 5editE/ 编者
writer / 5raitE/ 作家
reporter / ri5pR:tE/ 记者
announcer / E5naunsE/ 广播员
journalist / 5dVE:nElist/ 杂志记者
worker / 5wE:kE/ 工人
farmer / 5fa:mE/ 农夫
fisherman / 5fiFEmEn/ 渔夫
chemist / 5kemist/ 化学家,药剂师
engineer / endVi5niE/ 工程师
explorer / iks5plR:rE/ 探险家
researcher / ri5sE:tFE/ 研究员
doctor / 5dRktE/ 医生,博士
nurse / nE:s/ 护士
surgeon / 5sE:dVEn/ 外科医生
sailor / 5seilE/ 水手
seaman / 5si:mEn/ 船员
pilot / 5pailEt/ 飞行员,领航员
astronaut / 5AstFEunR:t/ 宇航员
driver / 5draivE/ 驾驶员
athlete / 5AWli:t/ 运动员
policeman / pE5li:smEn/ 警察
detective / di5tektiv/ 侦探
judge / dVQdV/ 法官
lawyer / 5lR:jE/ 律师
attorney / E5tE:ni/ 律师
cook / kuk/ 厨子,厨师
baker / 5beikE/ 面包师
waiter / 5weitE/ 侍者
waitress / 5weitris/ 女服务生
butcher / 5butFE/ 屠夫
clerk / kla:k, klE:k/ 办事员
typist / 5taipist/ 打字员
secretary / 5sekrEtri/ 秘书
salesman / 5seilzmEn/ 售货员,推销员
shopkeeper / 5FRpki:pE/ 零售商,店主
bookseller / 5bukselE/ 书商
tailor / 5teilE/ 裁缝
soldier / 5sEuldVE/ 军人
postman / 5pEustmEn/ 邮差
mailman / 5meilmAn/ 邮差
firefighter / / 消防人员
conductor / kEn5dQktE/ 乘务员
librarian / lai5brZEriEn/ 图书管理员
baby-sitter / / 保姆
apprentice / E5prentis/ 学徒工
artisan / a:ti5zAn/ 工匠
craftsman / 5kra:ftsmEn/ 工匠
specialist / speFElist/ 专家
employer / im5plRiE/ 雇主,老板
receptionist / ri5sepFEnist/ 接待员
operator / 5RpEreitE/ 电话接线员
interpreter / in5tE:pritE/ 翻译
photographer / fE5tRgrEfE/ 摄影师
playwright / 5pleirait/ 剧作家
linguist / liN5gwist/ 语言学家
botanist / 5bRtEnist/ 植物学家
economist / i:5kRnEmist/ 经济学家
chemist / 5kemist/ 化学家
scientist / 5saiEntist/ 科学家
philosopher / fi5lRsEfE/ 哲学家
politician / pRli5tiFEn/ 政治学家
physicist / 5fizisist/ 物理学家
archaeologist / a:kiE5lRdVist/ 考古学家
geologist / dVi5RlEdVist/ 地质学家
mathematician / mAWEmE5tiFEn/ 数学家
biologist / bai5RlEdVist/ 生物学家
zoologist / zEu5RlEdVist/ 动物学家
statistician / stAtis5tiFEn/ 统计学家
physiologist / fizi5RlEdVist/ 生理学家
futurologist / / 未来学家
artist / 5a:tist/ 艺术家
composer / kEm5pEuzE/ 作曲家
designer / di5zainE/ 设计家
sculptor / 5skQlptE/ 雕刻家
designer / di5zainE/ 服装设计师
model / 5mRdl/ 模特
poet / pEuit/ 诗人
merchant / 5mE:tFEnt/ 商人
stewardess / 5stju:Edis/ 空中小姐
porter / 5pR:tE/ 行李夫
architect / 5a:kitekt/ 建筑师
druggist / 5drQgist/ 药剂师
chemist / 5kemist/ 药剂师
guide / gaid/ 导游
dentist / 5dentist/ 牙科医生
supervisor / 5sju:pEvaizE/ 监工
1. decadence
2. depravation
3. decadency
4. lepra
1. 20世纪初,许多保守主义者认为印象派的艺术是颓废的。
Many conservatives in the early 1900's thought impressionistic art was decadent.
2. 那自称为颓废派者,由于深信自己已毫无希望地全身麻痹而坚持要躺下来。
The self-style decadent insists on lying down in the belief that he is hopelessly paralyzed.
3. 颓废派艺术家颓废派运动的一员
A member of the Decadence movement.
a broken spirit
effeminate art
an effete group of self - professed intellectuals.
anomic loners musing over their fate(Francine du Plessix Gray)
beat generation
sink one's head upon one's chest
looked downcast after his defeat;
a disappointed young man)
His crest falls.
Brighten up! 转自 百度知道
【词语】:“颓废”[tuí fèi] 【英文】:"Decadent; 【读音】:英 [ˈdekədənt] 美 [ˈdɛkədənt, dɪˈkedn:t] adj:堕落的,颓废的;文艺颓废期的,颓废派的;衰微的 n:颓废派艺术家(文人);堕落者 【句子】: 大多数政府就让那些长期失业的人领着救济金颓废度日。 Most governments simply leave the long-term jobless to rot on the dole. 《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》 你说“颓废艺术”是指什么? Just what do you mean by "degenerate art"? 相同词汇:decadence; dispirited; depravation
英[ˈdekədənt] 美[ˈdɛkədənt, dɪˈkedn:t]
adj. 堕落的,颓废的;文艺颓废期的,颓废派的;衰微的
n. 颓废派艺术家(文人);堕落者
[例句]Her " bath rituals and decadent lifestyle " are credited with inspiring a perfume.
6,Pet Shop Boys的《Decadence》 歌词
歌曲名:Decadence 歌手:Pet Shop Boys 专辑:Alternative Decadence Disturbed Ten Thousand Fists sozou 收集整理 Say, yes they know that you hurt yourself another time Don't they know that you're full of pain already? Yes they know that you hurt yourself another time Decadence isn't easy, is it? Yes they know that you hurt yourself another time Don't they know that you're full of pain already? Yes they know that you hurt yourself another time Decadence isn't easy Then you slowly recall all your mind Why, your soul's gone cold, and all hope has run dry Dead inside Never enough to forget that you're one of the lonely Slowly recall all your mind Say, yes they know that you hurt yourself another time Don't they know that you're full of pain already? Yes they know that you hurt yourself another time Decadence isn't easy, is it? Yes they know that you hurt yourself another time Don't they know that you're full of pain already? Yes they know that you hurt yourself another time Decadence isn't easy Slowly recall all your mind Why, your soul's gone cold, and all hope has run dry Dead inside Never enough to forget that you're one of the lonely Slowly recall all your mind If I scare you now Don't run from me I've been hiding my pain, you see Said if I scare you now Don't run from me I've been hiding my pain, you see Slowly recall all your mind Why, your soul's gone cold, and all hope has run dry Dead inside Never enough to forget that you're one of the lonely Slowly recall all your mind Slowly recall all your mind Say, yes they know that you hurt yourself another time Don't they know that you're full of pain already? Yes they know that you hurt yourself another time Decadence isn't easy is it http://music.baidu.com/song/3471598
7,love ect lrc歌词 pet shop boy
[ti:Love etc.]
[ar:Pet Shop Boys]
[00:15.14]Boy it's tough getting on in the world
[00:18.23]when the sun doesn't shine and a boy needs a girl
[00:22.51]it's about getting out of a rut, you need luck
[00:26.10]and your stuck and don't know how (oh)
[00:30.13](don't have to be) A big bucks hollywood star
[00:33.93](don't have to drive)A super car to get far
[00:37.97](don't have to live)A life of power and wealth
[00:41.86](don't have to be) beutiful but it helps
[00:45.48](don't have to buy)A house in beverly hills
[00:49.04](don't have to have)your daddy paying the bills
[00:52.78](don't have to live)A life of power and wealth
[00:56.78](don't have to be) beutiful but it helps
[01:00.81]you need more than a big blank check to be a lover,or
[01:05.66]a gulfstream jet to fly you door to door
[01:09.34]somewere chic on another shore
[01:13.05]you need more you need more you need more
[01:15.47]you need more you need more you need more
[01:18.71]you need love you need love you need love
[01:37.57]too much of anything is never enough
[01:44.79]too much of everything is never enough
[01:52.74]Boy it's tough getting on in the world
[01:55.92]when the sun doesn't shine and a boy needs a girl
[01:59.71]it's about getting out of a rut, you need luck
[02:03.45]and your stuck and don't know how (oh)
[02:07.60](don't have to be) A big bucks hollywood star
[02:11.53](don't have to drive)A super car to get far
[02:15.53](don't have to wear)A smile much cloder than ice
[02:19.20](don't have to be beutiful but it's nice
[02:23.13]you need more than gerhard richter hangin' on your wall
[02:27.56]a chauffeur-driven lemousine on call
[02:31.56]to drive your wife and lover to a white tie ball
[02:35.60]you need more, you need more, you need more
[02:38.31]you need more,you need more,you need more) you need love
[02:44.86]i believe that we can achieve the love that we need
[02:52.57]i believe, call me naive
[02:58.22]love is for free
[03:00.52](don't have to be) A big bucks hollywood star
[03:04.01](don't have to drive)A super car to get far
[03:07.84](don't have to live)A life of power and wealth
[03:11.55](don't have to be) beutiful but it helps
[03:16.86]beutiful that it helps
[03:20.56]beutiful that it helps