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当我在2001年开始做OGRE项目的时候,我的初衷只是想做一些可以帮助开发者(当然首先也是为了我自己)尽可能减少实时3D的开发难度而同时又增加开发灵活性的事情。这在那个时候确实不是什么宏伟的计划,而仅仅是出于个人角度的原本应该做的事情,而最终却被全世界范围内大量开发者所支持,这着实令我惊讶。我以前从没有想过OGRE能在当今如此流行,更没有想到我能有幸被邀请为本书做一个简短的序言。即使我无从阅读一本用中文撰写的书籍,我依然非常欣慰地看到,在地球的另一侧会有这样一群人满怀激情地加入到OGRE事业中,并且投入大量时间来完成此书,更重要的是,有这样一群人,比如你,出于对OGRE的热衷,来阅读此书。因此我要感谢本书作者为此而做出的不懈努力,并且希望你能从本书中收获对OGRE更多的满意,就像我设计之初所希望的那样。哪天我们真应该见个面,或许你还可以教我一些有关3D的中文词汇。Since I began the Ogre project in 2001, my primary goal was to create something that helped developers (and by that I mean myself first of all!), to do what they wanted to with real-time 3D, with as little difficulty and with as much flexibility as possible. There really wasn't a grand plan at the time, just a personal vision of how I thought things should be done, which as it happens turned out to be very compatible with the visions of a lot of other people around the world too. This was a surprise to me - I never imagined Ogre would become as popular as it is today, and as such I'm very honoured to have been invited to write a small foreword for this book. Even though I won't be able to read it - since I can't read Chinese - it's very pleasing to know that there are people on the other side of the world who care enough about the project I started to invest their own time in writing such a book, and that there are people, like you, who want to read about it.So my thanks go to the authors for their efforts, and I hope you all get as much satisfaction out of using Ogre as I did creating it. Should we meet one day, perhaps you can teach me some 3D-related words in Chinese.I hope that sounds ok.Good look with the book!Best regards Steve



本书主要用来帮助读者从一个引擎研究者成为一个游戏开发人员,本书的最大特点是依靠代码来推进进度,以三周21天的时间顺序来编排主体内容,帮助读者熟悉OGRE 3D演示程序所使用的框架,并完成一款《打地鼠》游戏,采用Orz框架来代替OGRE 3D演示程序框架实现《太空侵略者》这款经典游戏,以及Orz框架的使用细节。每一个课程都有相关的代码提供给读者参考,读者可以更直观地了解学习本书内容。本书适合有一定的OGRE 3D基础知识、希望进一步学习游戏开发的游戏爱好者,以及需要一款稳定的开发框架作为开发基础的个人和小型游戏开发公司。