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1,take golden shower 什么意思?

take golden shower 什么意思?

golden shower金钱;突然获得的财富或恩惠。在古希腊神话中,在阿耳戈斯有一位国王叫阿克里西俄斯(Acrisius),他王从神示(oracle)中得知,女儿达那厄(Danae)日后所生的男孩将推翻他的统治并把他杀死。

take golden shower意思就是受到金钱的洗礼
另外golden shower tree是一种树,叫做阿勃勒(拉丁语:Cassia fistula),又名黄金雨、波斯皂荚、婆罗门皂荚、长果子树等、香港多称猪肠豆,是一种苏木科的植物。原产於南亚南部,从巴基斯坦南部往东直到印度及缅甸,往南直到斯里兰卡。

还有,golden shower有个隐讳而淫晦的意思,就是一种特殊的性癖好。让对方在自己身上小解。。。


A lazy youth, a lousy age.

An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.

A man becomes learned by asking questions.

Actions speak louder than words.

Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.

Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.

The shortest answer is doing.

All things are difficult before they are easy.

Great hopes make great man.

God helps those who help themselves.

In doing we learn.

Two heads are better than one.

Constant dropping wears the stone.

Better late than never.

It's never too late to mend.

If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well.

A bold attempt is half success.

Good advice is beyond all price.


“With languages, you are at home everywhere.” – Edmund de Waal“只要你学会各种语言,在哪里都像是在家里。”——埃德蒙·德·瓦尔。来阿卡索学习,给自己营造一个良好的“留学”环境,大家试一节课就知道了:【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】课均不到20元,每天都能跟着外教一对一说英语。阿卡索外教网,每一个外教皆持证上岗,100%拥有TESOL证书,保证口音的准确性,能学习到纯正的英语发音,价格也不算太贵,半年4099元有180节课,每天都能上课,大家不妨点击上述蓝字去试一下。不知道如何选择英语机构,可以百度咨询“阿卡索vivi老师”;如果想下载免费英语资源,可以百度搜索“阿卡索官网论坛”。


首先,对于单词,有如下几种方法,第一个,是加强记忆的频度,也就是说,早上记了几个,隔几个小时又看一次,总之一天之内,记忆的间隔不要太长,否则你辛苦积累的记忆会随着时间的延长而淡化,第二个,是可以根据自己的理解编顺口溜,比如good morning 是狗摸你…(见笑了)…,第三个,最重要的是,记单词的时候,不要忘了阅读,一边记单词,一边看文章,这样可以把孤立的单词串联起来,记忆的效果会加倍,第四个。我建议你记单词要分门别类记忆,要形成一个意群,比如,重要性用magnitude magnificence ,表示非常,大大地有exceedingly,tremendously,extremely……这样做在你写作时,是十分有好处的,写作时不要尽写一些低级词汇,你要写高级词汇,比如重要性写magnitude,许多写a multitude of 或者handsome。
其次,是语法。学习语法,首先要明白什么是主谓宾定状补,什么是系动词,什么是直接宾语,间接宾语,这些是学习语法的基础,语法是房子,主谓宾定状补等是沙石砖瓦 :
1) 状语是指描述被描述对象的状态,包括时间状语,地点状语,方式状语,伴随状语,让步状语等
2) 定语是指被描述对象(名词,代词)的特征,包括颜色,气味,重量,年龄,材料等
3) 表语一般是be 动词以及某些特殊动词(比如turn ,smell等) 后面的形容词,分词,不定式等
4) 主语指的是动作的施动者,或者是被描述的对象,包括名词,代词,非谓语动词(不定式,动名词,过去分词作主语)等
5) 谓语指的是动作本身(也就是动词本身),be 动词
6) 宾语指的是动作的承受者,或者是与主语相对比的对象,也包括名词,代词,等
7) 从句指的是复合句中的起从属作用的句子,复合句指的是一个句子中有两重或者两重以上的主谓宾(定状补)成分,这几个有独立主谓宾结构的句子通过连词连接(比如and which that where what等),比如I want to tell you that he is a cheat(我想告诉你他是个骗子),这里有两套主谓宾(定状补先不说)第一套是主语I 谓语want 宾语是tell后面的成分(you that he is a cheat);第二套:主语he 谓语is 宾语a cheat ,这两个句子通过连词that 连接,通过句子意思可以判断:“我想告诉你“是主句,”他是一个骗子“是从句
最后,我建议你,平时读报,或者做题的时候,发现有好的句子好的词汇,你要抄下来,长期下来,你的作文会有提高的,需要说明的是,这个提高过程可能很缓慢,但是最后能收到很好的效果,以前25分的作文我都能保证在21-23这个级别,靠的就是对语法的熟练掌握和积累了许多较高级的词汇,句型,句子。我个人的理解是,在你的语法达到基本不会出错的程度上,作文便应该以词汇取胜,因为在这个层次上,大家的语法都差不多,没什么变化,唯一有变化的就是你的词汇!给你打个比方吧,很多想到“许多”就用many,但是你别忘了many a ;handsome;massive,innumerable;很多人想到“专家”就写expert,但很少人会想到specialist,很多人在想到“擅长”这词,就写be good at ,却不知还有更高级的表达法:be expert at 或者excel in ……高手和庸才,就体现在这些细微的差别上 !


狮子——lion 豹——leopard 熊猫——panda 老虎——tiger 狼——wolf
斑马——zebra 公牛——bull 母牛——cow 小牛——calf 水牛——buffalo
山羊——goat 绵羊——sheep 羊羔——lamb 熊——bear 骆驼——camel
鹿——deer 大象——elephant 狐狸——fox 长颈鹿——giraffe 马——horse
猪——pig 狗——dog 猴子——monkey 蝙蝠——bat 猫——cat
袋鼠——kangaroo 刺猬——hedgehog 松鼠——squirrel 兔子——rabbit
老鼠——rat 海豚——dolphin 鲸——whale 海豹—— seal 乌龟——tortoise
鳄鱼——crocodile 河马——hippopotamus 鱼——fish 虾——shrimp
螃蟹——crab 龙虾——lobster 蜗牛——snail 蛙——frog 蛇——snake
蚯蚓——worm 公鸡——cock 母鸡——hen 小鸡——chick 鸭子duck
小鸭——duckling 鹅——goose 蜘蛛spider 蚂蚁ant 蜜蜂bee
蝴蝶butterfly 蜻蜓dragonfly 老鹰eagle 猫头鹰owl
乌鸦crow 鸽子dove 鸟bird 驼鸟ostrich 鹦鹉parrot
燕子swallow 麻雀sparrow 甲虫beetle 天鹅swan 鹤crane
孔雀peacock 企鹅penguin 蚕silkworm 苍蝇fly 蚊子mosquito
蟑螂roach 蚱玛grasshopper 火鸡turkeys 晰蜴lizard 獾badger
蟾蜍toad 鼹鼠mole
Mouse 鼠 rat 大老鼠cow 母牛Tiger 虎Rabbit 兔Dragon 龙Snake 蛇 Horse 马sheep 绵羊 Monkey 猴子 Chicken 鸡 Dog 狗 cat 猫Pig 猪Bird 鸟 eagle 老鹰 pigeon 鸽子 dove 鸽子owl 猫头鹰 gull 海鸥 sparrow 麻雀Parrot 鹦鹉 Penguin 企鹅 goose 鹅 duck 鸭 Bat 蝙蝠Frog 青蛙 cricket 蟋蟀 Bee 蜜蜂 butterfly 蝴蝶 fly 苍蝇 flea 跳蚤 Bear 熊 panda 猫熊 Elephant 大象 Deer 鹿 hippo 河马 wolf 狼Donkey 驴子 kangaroo 袋鼠 koala 无尾熊Giraffe 长颈鹿 zebra 斑马 lion 狮子 Crab 螃蟹 shrimp 虾fish 鱼whale 鲸鱼 dolphin 海豚turtle 乌eel 鳗鱼starfish 海星 sea horse 海马 Dinosaur 恐龙 jellyfish 水母squid 乌peacock 孔雀


于易水送人骆宾王 Sending off a Warrior by theYishuiRiver LuoBinwang
此地别燕丹,Taking leave of Prince Dan of Yan,
壮士发重冠.The warrior’s hair stood on end.
昔时人已没,Out hero never did come back;
今日水犹寒.But Yishui has remained ice cold. This poem is based on the historicaltale of how Prince Dan of the State of Yan engaged a warrior toassassinate the ruler of Qin (Who later unified China and becameQin Shi Huang Di, the first Emperor of China) during the WarringStates period (475-221 B.C.). Here, the warrior was taking leave toget rid of the despot. The attempt failed, but the warrior wasremembered for his fidelity and fearlessness (he knew he was goingto certain death).

Yishui: The River Yishui (in Hebei Province)

杂诗 (其二)王维 Miscellaneous Poems (Second in aSeries) WangWei
君自故乡来,You said you had just come from my hometown.
应知故乡事.You should know what’s happening down there.
来日绮窗前,The winter-plums on my decked-out window-sill,
寒梅著花未?Were they in flower yet? A few^^^^ or nil? 白雪歌送武判官归京 岑参 Snow ( For Chief of SecretarialStaff Wu, who was Being Called Back to the Capital) CenShen
北风卷地百草折,The north wind swooped down and the White Grasssnapped.
胡天八月即飞雪.Out here, snowfall begins in the month of August.
忽如一夜春风来,It was as if a spring breeze had blown overnight,
千树万树梨花开.Bringing millions of pear blossoms to the bare boughs oftrees.
散入珠帘湿罗幕,The moisture seeped through the door and bedcurtains:
狐裘不暖锦衾薄.Fur coats and heavy quilts no longer gave warmth.
将军角弓不得控,The general had a hard time opening his horn-rimmedbow;
都护铁衣冷难着.We had a tough job helping put on the governor’s suit ofarmor.
瀚海阑干百丈冰,The vast desert was criss-crossed with miles oficicles,
愁云惨淡万里凝.And baleful grey clouds filled the leaden sky.
中军置酒饮归客,Food and wine had been laid out for the send-offparty.
胡琴琵琶与羌笛.For music there were fiddles, pipa, and the Qiangflute.
纷纷暮雪下辕门,At dusk heavy snowflakes whirled round the campgateway.
风掣红旗冻不翻.Frozen stiff, the red flags no longer fluttered ingale.
轮台东门送君去,I saw you off at the east gate of Luntai.
去时雪满天山路.Nothing else but snow filled the Tianshan Road.
山回路转不见君,At a turn in the road you disappeared from view.
雪上空留马行处.Only a line of hoof-prints was left in the newly-fallensnow.

Out here: The far north of China; that is, Xinjiang.
Fiddles, pipa, and the Qiang flute: Musical instruments introducedinto China proper from the ethnic border peoples.
Luntai: Now Luntai Country in today’s Xinjiang.
Tianshan: Major mountain range in Xinjiang.

城东早春杨巨源Early Spring in EastCity Yang Juyuan
诗家清景在新春,Poets favor the more delicate early spring scene:
绿柳才黄半未匀.The willow tops are ducky yellow mixed with a palegreen.
若待上林花似锦,Don’t wait till everything’s in bloom in the RoyalGarden.
出门俱是看花人.Then you’ll see hordes of flower-gazers, who say: oh,pardon!
秋浦歌李白Autumn Waterside Songs
白发三千丈,My white hair streams back many miles long;
缘愁似箇长?As long as my pensiveness is deep and strong.
不知明镜里,I’ve often looked at myself in the mirror embossed.
何处得秋霜!When and where did I take on this hoaryfrost!
马诗李贺A horse poem LiHe
大漠沙如雪,The sands in the vast desert look like snow.
燕山月似钩.The moon over Yanshan is a mere hook.
何当金络脑,When will that horse take on a golden bridle
快走踏清秋.And, treading on a limpid autumn, gallop?
夜宿山寺李白Staying overnight in a mountainTemple
危楼高百尺,Its tower is one hundred feet high.
手可摘星辰.You could reach out and pluck a star.
不敢高声语,We all spoke in hushed voices,
恐惊天上人.Lest we disturb the folks up above.
凉州词王之涣LiangzhouSong WangZhihuan
黄河远上白云间,The Yellow River goes all the way up to the sky.
一片孤城万仞山.A lone fort sits amid numerous mountain tops.
羌笛何须怨杨柳,The Qiang flute need not envy the willow trees.
春风不度玉门关.The spring breeze never sweeps beyond Gate Yumen.

Liangzhou: A set music piece for words to be filled in to become asong or poem to be sung or read, originating in Liangzhou.
A lone fort: Refers to Liangzhou Town.
The Qiang flute: Musical instrument introduced into the centrallands from the Qiang people-a minority group.
Fort Yumen: An important outpost situated to the west of Dunhuang,Gansu province.

竹枝词刘禹锡竹枝词 刘禹锡
The BambooSong LiuYuxi

The willows are green; The river is swollen.

The songs you sing float down the rippling water.

The east side is clear, the west side showery.

You say there is no sun in the sky:

Oh, but thereis!

Oh, but there is!

This is a play on words: The words (sunshiny) and (lovingfeelings)have the same pronunciation, so there is no sun means there is nolove. Note that the last line can be turned round to mean theopposite送元二使安西王维Sending off a Friend, who Has BennAppointed Envoy to the WestLands Wangwei
渭城朝雨邑轻尘,The early morning shower in Weicheng has kept downdust.
客舍青青柳色新.The guesthouse looks trim and the willows fresh andgreen.
劝君更尽一杯酒,I would urge you to have one more for the road.
西出阳关无故人.Out west, beyond Fort Yangguan, you have no one to turnto.

The West Lands: Refers to territories straddling China’s far North,West and Northwest where a number of ethnic peoples lived.
Weicheng: Called Xiangyang in Qin Dynasty.
Fort Yangguan: A fortified town to the southwest of Dunhuang, GansuProvince.
题破山寺后禅院常建Meditation Rooms at the Back ofthe Cleft-Boulder HillTemple ChangJian
清晨入古寺,I went into the ancient temple early one morning.
初日照高林.The first rays of the sun were among the tree tops.
竹径通幽处,A winding footpath led me to greener places.
禅房花木深.The meditation rooms sat deep among flowering bushes.
山光悦鸟性,Lights from the hills delighted the birds.
潭影空人心.Shades over the pool soothed my whole being.
万籁此俱寂,The entire universe seemed devoid of all noises,
惟闻钟磬声.Only the Buddhist prayer music could be heard.

Cleft-Boulder Hill Temple: A Buddhist temple in Changshu, Jiangsuprovince.
滁州西涧韦应物Chuzhou’s WestBrook Wei Yingwu
独怜幽草涧边生,I like the green, green grass growing by the brook.
上有黄鹂深树鸣.Up in the trees the orioles sing in every nook.
春潮带雨晚来急,The spring morning torrents at nightfall heavy showersbring.
野渡无人舟自横.A ferry boat drifts athwart at the deserted crossing.还有等下接着发给你


In the evening everybody is good , everybody all knows 8 Heaven's Queen, are just August 8 this year ,imply one kind of pride , one kind of glory to everyone Chinese! In day arousing self's feeling in this, Olympiad that ten thousands of people focuses attention upon will pull open big curtain in our country's capital Beijing.

Every one Olympiad has a slogan, Beijing Olympiad neither exception. "One world one dream". Subject being this time of Olympiad, also the essence having embodied Olympiad unites with outlook on values- - , friendship , the fond dream, are harmonious. Have expressed people under vigorous appealing to of Olympic Games , have run after the ideal fine desire commonly. We own a plain kindhearted heart but at the same time although our race is different , the nation is different , complexion is different, are that Olympic Games is offering self youth and strength as a tribute commonly.

Why are we turn to be used for woollen cloth? That my hometown is Yan Qing , Yan Qing is not better-off downtown area. Maybe, have many people it is very strange face to face, but I have no alternative hometown but excited. Olympic Games has finally been played. Even this small always a little bit quiet downtown area, a thread of boisterous atmosphere has come to the fore right away. For this purpose, we these are born in a hometown , postponing being good at a hometown celebrates people , how ability brings a little a little new meteorological phenomena to new meteorological phenomena it?

First, we ought to give up self bad at one's side trouble. If spitting everywhere, confuse throwing away a wastepaper , speaking bitingly and so on. Not only, self not composing , wants to go to arrest others too. Whenever having the used batteries finishing using not to throw away arbitrarily , should give a station to a reclaim all together handle; When having house refuse to throw away everytime, respond to the inner carrying out rubbish classification , throwing away move forward a garbage can again seriously; And we also ought to learn to protect at one's side animal and plant , one spends one grass , one bird one insect that these look like hour of thing unworthy of mentioning all is a city important component. Do up , make civilized society only when we comply with at one's side now, ability is that the hometown adds luster during the period of Olympiad.

And secondly, we want English studying and more knowledge about Olympic Games making great efforts especially , hold a period in Olympiad, be able to use English and foreign friends to speak , communicate with , be that foreign friends introduces we beautiful Chinas, Beijing age-old history and splendid culture, further know Beijing, Chinese's need to let them pass and everyone exchange , knows China.

Middle school student who is this times finally, ought to use self's discretion a principle, has been at present and in the first place different. What our stays , can not ought to hold head high in that time's destitute age, is stepped off, challenge welcoming the new century! Making great efforts to study , rising in great vigor, is that our middle school student is unique can compose , is also the most effective! Will let us be full of wisdom, welcome future together, march toward light one day!

any has achieved the above three-point, no but Beijing, gigantic change happened in the city up to China. Go and have composed as long as we are attentive, motherland's certain meeting tomorrow is especially fine!


巴尔扎克,法国19 世纪批判现实主义的代表作家,著有长篇小说《人间喜剧》(90多部小说之总称)等。课文收有的《守财奴》节选自长篇小说《欧也妮·葛朗台》。
  奠泊桑,法国批判现实主义作家,著有300 篇短篇和长篇小说,代表作有《羊脂球》、《俊友》等,课文收有《项链》,《我的叔叔于勒》等。
  莎士比亚,英国文艺复兴时期伟大的剧作家和诗人。流传剧本37 部,长诗两首,十四行诗154 首,代表作品有《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、《哈姆雷特》、《奥赛罗》、《李尔王》等。
  契诃夫,19 世纪末期俄国杰出的批判现实主义作家,举世闻名的短篇小说巨匠和著名的剧作家,代表作有短篇小说《套中人》、《变色龙》、《哀伤》、《苦恼》、《万卡》等,剧本《万尼亚舅舅》、《伊凡诺夫》、《海鸥》、《樱桃园》等。
  高尔基,伟大的无产阶级作家,前苏联社会主义文学奠基人。著有《高尔基全集》69 卷。其中著名的作品有自传体三部曲《童年》、《在人间》、《我的大学》等,《母亲》是他的代表作。

  狄更斯,19 世纪英国批判现实主义的杰出代表,他一生写了十几部长篇小说,还有许多中短篇小说、杂文和戏剧等。《大卫·科波菲尔》是他的代表作。重要作品还有《艰难时世》、《双城记》等,狄更斯以高度的艺术概括和生动的细节描写,真实地反映了19 世纪中叶英国社会风貌。
  夏洛蒂·勃朗特,英国作家,《简爱》是她的代表作。1847 年初次出版,轰动了英国文坛。
  肖伯纳,爱尔兰卓越的喜剧大师。一生共写剧本50 多部,小说5 部和其他著作多种。1925 年荣获诺贝尔文学奖。他的著名剧本有《华伦夫人的职业》、《魔鬼的门徒》。
  莫里哀,法国古典主义喜剧创建者,他一生共创作了37 部喜剧,是世界剧作家中成就最高者之一。《伪君子》、《唐·璜》、《悭吝人》是世界喜剧中最出色的作品。
  雨果,法国19 世纪浪漫主义文学运动领袖人物和代表作家,最著名的作品有《巴黎圣母院》,《悲惨世界》等。
  都德,19 世纪下半叶法国现实主义作家。长篇小说的代表作有《小东西》等,短篇小说《最后一课》和《柏林之围》。
  大仲马,法国著名作家,他是多产作家,长篇小说《基督山伯爵》是19 世纪欧洲文学中的一部杰作。
  普希金,杰出的俄罗斯民族诗人,19 世纪俄国积极浪漫主义文学的代表和批判现实主义文学的奠基人,他的作品富有人民性,被称为“俄罗斯生活百科全书”。其作品有抒情诗《自由颂》、《致恰达耶夫》、《致大海》、《致诗人》等,叙事诗《茨冈》、《青钢骑士》,长篇小说《上尉的女儿》,短篇小说集《别尔金小说集》和代表作长篇诗体小说《叶甫盖尼·奥涅金》,普希金是“俄国文学的始祖”。
  果戈里,19 世纪上半叶俄国最优秀的讽刺作家。批判现实主义文学的奠基人,1836年发表的讽刺喜剧《钦差大臣》是一部批判现实主义的优秀剧作,是俄国现实主义喜剧史上一座里程碑,长篇小说《死魂灵》标志着他的创作最高峰。
  列夫·托尔斯泰,19 世纪后半期俄国伟大的批判现实主义作家。也是举世公认的世界文学史上成绩卓著的艺术大师。主要作品有《战争与和平》、《安娜·卡列尼娜》和《复活》。
  法捷耶夫,前苏联作家,代表作是长篇小说《毁灭》和《青年近卫军》。并翻译了《阿Q 正传》。
  肖洛霍夫,前苏联当代著名作家,代表作是《解冻》,长篇小说《暴风雨》,长篇回忆录《人·岁月·生活》共6 部。
  惠特曼,19 世纪美国杰出的民主主义诗人,《草叶集》是他的代表作。
  德莱塞,美国小说家,代表作是长篇小说《嘉丽妹妹》、《珍妮姑娘》等,1925 年发表的长篇小说《美国悲剧》,被美国进步文学界誉为“美国最伟大的小说”。
  海明威,美国20 世纪影响最大的作家之一,1954 年获得诺贝尔文学奖金,作品有《永别了,武器》、《老人与海》等。
  裴多菲,匈牙利诗人,资产阶级民主主义革命家,他一生写了800 多首抒情诗,8部长篇叙事诗,被誉为匈牙利“抒情之王”。主要作品有长诗《农村的大锤》和《勇敢的约翰》等。
  白聂鲁达,智利诗人,1971 年荣获诺贝尔文学奖,代表诗作有长诗《伐木者醒来吧》,另有诗集《葡萄园和风》等。