英文女声很嗨的歌歌词里有make it go away不是歌名是歌词里有
相信你的听觉 没错 是她的! 也是我很喜欢的一首歌,曾经在American Pie里做过插曲!
歌手:Avril Lavigne 专辑:Let's go
I Don't Give A Damn
Every time you go away
It actually kinda makes my day
Every time you leave you slam the door
You pick your words so carefully
You hate to think your hurting me
You leave me laughing on the floor
Cuz I won't give it up
I don't give a damn
What you say about that
You know
I won't give it up
I don't give a damn
What you say about that
you know
I'm not gonna cry
About some stupid guy
A guy who thinks he's all that
I thought we were just hanging out
so why'd you kiss me on the mouth?
you thought the way you taste would get me high
you went to all your friends to brag
guys are always such a drag
don't you know the reason
that I kissed you was to say goodbye
cuz I won't give it up
I don't give a damn
What you say about that
you know
I won't give it up
I don't give a damn
What you say about that
You know
I'm not gonna cry
About some stupid guy
A guy who thinks he's all that
hangin hanging out
I am simply hanging hanging out
I am simply hanging
so why'd you kiss me on the mouth
don't you know that I...
I don't give a damn about you
I won't give it up not for you
I don't give a damn about you
I won't give it up not for you
I'm not gonna cry
About some stupid guy
A guy who thinks he's all that
I won't give it up
I don't give a damn
What you say about that
you know
I won't give it up
I don't give a damn
What you say about that
(I dont give a damn)
I wont give it up
I dont give a damn
what you say about that
(What you say)
you know
I won't give it up
I don't give a damn
What you say about that (until end of fade out)
影片的主角是一位拥有人类心智却有一双剪刀手的机器人,名叫爱德华,他的创造者是一位发明家,为了创造爱德华这件作品几乎倾注了毕生的心血,然而没有等到大功告成发明家就去世了,只留下爱德华一人在古堡里孤独地生活,直到推销化妆品的佩格出现。 其实这部电影注定是一个以童话开始,以悲伤结局的故事,虽然我并不喜欢常常用“注定”这个词,但是你看,自从佩格将爱德华带出城堡、融入社会的那一刻开始,就注定了以悲剧收场。如果那天佩格没有误入城堡,爱德华或许会一直在城堡里生活,不谙世事,除了孤独以外也不必承受世间的其他苦楚,可人生就是如此世事无常,总会因为一个人的出现从而改变另一个人的一生。 《剪刀手爱德华》百度网盘高清免费资源在线观看:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Mqle9CrKC2dbwWiYk1Dk7A ?pwd=zrj1 提取码:zrj1
《剪刀手爱德华》扮演者是约翰尼·德普 《剪刀手爱德华》百度网盘高清免费资源在线观看 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1TvZYQ5v7zmcmDdbxQPil9w ?pwd=vvoy 提取码:vvoy 蒂姆·伯顿导演的《剪刀手爱德华》是一部关于机器人的现代童话。它讲述一座古堡中住着一位发明家,制造出了各种东西,最后还造出了一个机器人,并给他起名叫爱德华。发明家对这件作品倾注了全部的心血,他甚至教授爱德华人类的礼仪和诗歌,何时微笑何时沉默。然而,没有等到机器人最后完成,发明家就去世了,留下已有人类心智却残留着一双剪刀手的爱德华独自在古堡生活。