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龙舟的原始角色是“遣灾送瘟舟”,后演化成“迎魂舟”或曰“归魂舟”。 古代南方稻作民族大都地处水乡,大约在七八千年前就形成水上祭祀的风俗。赛龙舟实际上是水上祭祀的遗俗,而龙舟最原始的角色则是去邪祟、攘灾异的“遣灾送瘟舟”。 据《古今图书集成》所引“武陵竞渡略”记载: 今俗说禳灾,于划船将毕,具牲酒黄纸钱,直趋下流,焚酹诅咒疵疠夭札,尽随流去,谓之“送标”;然而不旗不鼓,密划船归,拖至高岸,搭阁苫盖,以待明年,即今年事讫矣。尔时民间设醮预压火灾,或有疾病,皆为纸船,如其所属龙船之色,于水烧之...... 另据《湖广志书》所载:岳州府“端午罢市竞渡,以为禳灾疾病”;黄岗县“端午溯风巴河镇迎会,傩人花冠文身,鸣金逐疫”。 《广东志书》亦载:南进府“舁夭符神,压送河,云遣瘟。金鼓殷器,齐唱船歌。” 由此可知,赛龙舟的原始含义是“禳灾送瘟”,而并非竞技娱乐。 而龙舟一词,最早大概见诸于先秦古书《穆天子传·》:“天子乘鸟舟、龙舟浮于大沼。”《九歌·湘君》“驾飞龙今北征,邅吾道兮洞庭”中的“飞龙”也是指龙舟。 在以凤鸟为图腾崇拜的古代南中国,龙只能充当神使鸾凤的随从、座驾或奴仆。屈原的辞赋中,凤与龙各出现过24次,但凤充当的是神使,龙只是凤的坐骑。如“驾八龙蜿蜒兮,载云旗之委蛇”,“驾者”是鸾凤,龙则是“马拉车”的角色。 之后,富具想象力的南方人,又让龙(龙舟)充当起“迎魂”的角色。 古时南方水乡多以舟楫代步,人们相信人死后,其灵魂将会回到云水之间的“雁鹅村”,故需有迎魂之舟渡之。于是便形成一种迎魂舟与迎魂鸟的葬俗,即鸾鸟祖母将在人死时派鸾鸟使节——迎魂鸟迎接人的灵魂去“雁鹅村”,而那迎魂舟的角色就只好委屈龙去充当了。 龙舟的原始角色便演化成相当于今天殡仪馆的灵车,专司运送亡灵升天的神圣使命。 西汉贾谊曾在长沙作《服鸟赋》,写的便是这一风俗。 出土于长沙楚墓的两幅《人物御龙图》帛画,实际上应该是“亡灵升天图”,一幅中可见鼓翼舞爪的鸾凤神气地指挥着龙驾牵引亡灵之舟前行;另一幅中则是亡灵坐着龙舟向天国进发,而鸾凤则站在龙尾上充当舵手,驾驭那龙舟前进。 马王堆西汉古墓中的飞衣帛画,所描绘的是亡灵正在骑着双龙上升天界,而那鸟灵则悠闲地监护双龙升天。 这也反映出当时人们的一种“坐死”风俗,即老人临终之前,由家人移至中堂,坐在一匹象征龙(迎魂舟)的白布上,白布从屋顶伸出,寓意上天之路。 后人用赛龙舟纪念屈原、伍子胥、曹娥,其实是用迎魂舟(龙舟)祭送其灵魂归葬,是迎魂舟古俗的一个沿袭。 这种迎魂舟的习俗一直流传,渐渐演变为赛龙舟的习俗。


A dragon boat is a human-powered watercraft. They were traditionally made in the Pearl River Delta region of China's southern Guangdong Province out of teak wood (mostly imported from Pontianak, Indonesia) to various designs and sizes. In other parts of China, different kinds of wood are used to build these traditional watercraft. It is one of a family of traditional paddled long boats found throughout Asia, Africa, and the Pacific islands.

A dragon boat is somewhat similar to a canoe, as both are paddle-craft rather than a rowing-craft, and crew members paddle rather than "row".The paddles are not connected or attached mechanically to the hull of the boat, whereas the oars and sweeps manned by rowers are joined to their shells by a kind of hinged joint. This joint acts as a pivot point and allows for a mechanical advantage. Canoes are derived from hollowed out tree trunks (either single log, or single log supported by one or a pair of outrigged float pontoons or else catamaran style double logs.); or from birch and other deciduous tree bark shells stretched over wooden frames. Traditional wooden dragon boats, however, derive from rafts of three lashed-together timber beams, similar to the long and slender bamboo rafts consisting of lashed bundles of hollow bamboo stalks which can still be seen in China today. The center beam acts as the keel with another beam attached on each side of it acting like a pair of sponsons for stability, preventing the center beam from otherwise rolling. It is the three lashed, rafted beams of old that give the Hong Kong style of dragon boats its characteristic hull form cross section underwater seen today, which is like the shape of the letter "W". Which can be derived from the canoe form of two.hollowed logs lashed together. If one looks at the Hong Kong boats brought to Britain are made out of 4 planks in the w shape as mentioned earlier and topped with another plank on each side to give more freeboard. This unique design feature is a vestigal throwback to earlier primitive lashed-log raft forms on which modern hulls are based. Traditional wooden boats are slender and heavy, typically weighing in at approximately 1,750 pounds for a 22-person hull. As the sport of dragon boating has increased in popularity and spread to countries outside Asia, many countries have switched to using dragon boats constructed of fibreglass and plastic resin, which are significantly lighter. In Britain the dragon boats were initially made in two pieces for transport and bolted together at competition site with many bolts. The first one piece boats in Britain were made on the Isle of Wight for Dragon Boat Events.


The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated on
the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar. It is one of the most
important Chinese festivals.

The origin of this summer festival centers around a
scholarly government official named Chu Yuan. He was a good and respected man.
Traditions At the center of this festival are the dragon
boat races. Competing teams drive their colorful dragon boats forward to the
rhythm of beating drums.


好像是陈露和一个不知道名字的,这次没有什么大型的开幕式,领导港了两个小时的讲话,然后请沅陵的巫傩文化传人祈福天地,然后就是游江。今年沅陵的龙船基本都改革了,船变小了。很多也没有锣,没旗手了。有些连头绕都没有了。不过还是保持19到20对桡。为了追求成绩,沅陵的龙船已经不在是以前的老龙船了。今年的冠军是盘古队(上水),亚军是白田队(下水),盘古队有百分之80的人是请以前汉寿满江红的那些人来趴的,白田请的有10对桡,冠军的成绩是1分23秒43 亚军的成绩是1分23秒88。赢一点点


2010沅陵龙舟赛冠军是深溪口队。 沅陵传统龙舟赛的形成历史悠久、规模宏大、文化内涵博大精深。据历史文献记载,早在屈原怀沙自沉汨罗江之后,沅陵一带就有划龙船的习俗。 沅陵溪流纵横交错,人称山国水都,有水就有船,有船就有竞争这些竞争长期与当地的民俗文化、宗教文化、沅水文化相结合,就形成了沅陵特有的传统龙舟赛和传统龙舟文化。 其特征是:横水竞渡,赛船多、划手多、观众多、赛时长。既有各自的特点,又有相同的共性。 有的跪式划,有的坐式划,有的坐式立式并用;有的双槌催船,有的单艄掌舵,有的双艄齐下将“偷料”、“关头”、“绕河”、“绕庙”、“赏红”、“抢红”、“冲滩”等独具风格的传统民俗与体育竞技有机地结合起来,形成了多网络、多样式、多流域的以沅陵为核心的中国湖南传统龙舟。已向国家申报非物质文化遗产名录。 扩展资料: “龙舟竞渡”是在战国时代就已有的习俗。战国时期,人们在急鼓声中划刻成龙形的独木舟,做竞渡游戏,以娱神与乐人,此时的龙舟竞渡是祭仪中半宗教性、半娱乐性的节目。 在两湖地区,祭屈原与赛龙舟是紧密相关的。可能屈原及曹娥、伍子胥等逝去后,当地人民也曾用魂舟送其灵魂归葬,故有此俗。但赛龙舟除纪念屈原之外,在各地人们还赋予了不同的寓意。 龙船竞渡前,先要请龙、祭神。如广东龙舟,在端午前要从水下起出,祭过在南海神庙中的南海神后,安上龙头、龙尾,再准备竞渡。 并且买一对纸制小公鸡置龙船上,认为可保佑船平安。闽、台则往妈祖庙祭拜。有的直接在河边祭龙头,杀鸡滴血于龙头之上,如四川、贵州等个别地区。 赛龙舟前会举行各种祭祀、纪念之仪式,一般都是点香烛,烧纸钱,供以鸡、米、肉、供果、粽子等。 如今这些含有迷信色彩朗仪式已很少见,但在过去,人们祭祀龙神庙时气氛很严肃,多祈求农业丰收、风调雨顺、去邪祟、攘灾异、事事如意,也保佑划船平安。用人们的话说,“图个吉利”,表达人们内心良好的愿望。 参考资料来源:百度百科-沅陵传统龙舟赛 参考资料来源:人民网-中国沅陵传统龙舟国际邀请赛开赛


YuanLing is Chinese traditional dragon boat of the township. According to historical records, dragon YuanLing in early qu yuan existed before, is a memorial to the local miao patriarch panhu and set. Qu yuan was in "east king wrote:" drive "dragon boat xi by ray, load cloud flag xi shameful plagiarist," image describes the YuanLing dragon boat momentum. YuanLing traditional dragon boat race through thousands of years, and has formed "steal materials", "moment", "red", "rob aicken red", "hit boat", "two big ideas", "three schools" a thick "by" YuanLing dragon boat, constitute a profound xiangxi traditional dragon boat culture. YuanLingXian also has successfully undertaking three session of national traditional dragon boat race and five times the traditional dragon boat race, become the province's largest traditional dragon boat race base.