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1,一岁 英文怎么说

一岁 英文怎么说

一岁的英文是:One year old ,yearling 。 例句1:Many infants do not cut their first tooth until they are a year old. 翻译:很多婴儿到一岁大时才开始长牙。 例句2:He was adopted by his eldest uncle when he was just one year old. 翻译:他一岁时就出继给大伯父了。 例句3:The two sisters are close in age with only one year between.翻译:她们姐儿俩挨肩儿,就差一岁。 扩展资料一岁的英文是:One year old ;两岁的英文是:Two years old ;三岁的英文是:Three years old ;四岁的英文是:Four years old ;五岁的英文是:Five years old 。一般我多少岁用语句 i am ... years old 来表示。


12岁的英文是:12 years old years old ... 岁(年龄) 【双语例句】 1、Mark didn't shape up until he was thirty years old. 马克到三十岁时才振奋起来。 2、He is junior to me by two years. 他比我小两岁。 【相关短语】 1、庆祝12岁生日 celebrate the 12th birthday 2、我今年12岁 This year my 12-year-old 3、一个12岁的男孩 a 12yearold boy 4、它表示刘涛12岁 It said the 12-year-old Tao 5、今天是我12岁生日 Today is my 12th birthday 6、我12岁英语很差 My English is poor 12-year-old 7、那是我们不过12岁 we were 12 years old 8、教授4到12岁儿童 Professor4 to12 years old children 扩展资料: 【临近短语】 (1)、12岁的女儿滔滔不绝地讲述心肺复苏法和海姆利克氏操作法,母亲赞许地频频点头。 As the 12-year-old went on and on about CPR and the Heimlich maneuver,mom nodded proudly. (2)、12岁时他必须自己谋生。 He had to stand on his own legs and earn his own living at the age of 12. (3)、年龄在8到12岁盟队成员。 a player between 8 and 12 years of age who is a member of a little-league team. (4)、目前新疆人口平均期望寿命延长到71.12岁。 Life expectancy in Xinjiang has been extended to 71.12 years. (5)、12岁少女演讲A Remarkable Speech by the 12-Year-Old Girl 由于刺伤了堂弟,考尼勒斯?斯宾塞,泰勒12岁开始了拳击。With the prodding of his cousin, Cornelious Spencer, Taylor would start boxing at age 12. 【相似短语】 (1)、玛丽?克莱尔,12岁Marie Claire, age 12 (2)、12岁男孩女孩12 Years old boy or girl (3)、人体在12岁时,The process of ageing (4)、5至12岁的儿童children ranging in age from 5 to 12 (5)、12岁时at the age of 12 他从12岁起就拼命干活了。He worked like a black from the time he was twelve.


一到十的英文1、1是one英 [wʌn] 美 [wʌn] 2、2是two英 [tuː] 美 [tu] 3、3是three英 [θriː] 美 [θri] 4、4是four英 [fɔː] 美 [fɔr] 5、5是five英 [faɪv] 美 [faɪv] 6、6是six英 [sɪks] 美 [sɪks] 7、7是seven英 ['sev(ə)n] 美 ['sɛvn] 8、8是eight英 [eɪt] 美 [et] 9、9是nine英 [naɪn] 美 [naɪn] 10、10是ten英 [ten] 美 [tɛn] 以one为例分析短语 ONE WAY 暴风中 ; 世界的角落 ; 单向 ; 唯有耶稣 Opus One 作品一号 ; 第一号作品 ; 美国作品一号 ; 一号作品 Until One 合而为一 ; 唱片名 拓展资料1、Almost no one took any rest. 几乎没有一个人歇过一下。 2、Can you spare one of them for me? 你能把其中的一个匀给我吗? 3、He blacked her eye with that one punch. 他用那一猛拳把她的眼眶打得发青。 4、This was only one of many murder cases he judged. 这仅仅是他审理的众多谋杀案件中的一件。 5、I have just one question. 我就想问一个问题。