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  如果英文从这个世界消失的话,会是为什么原因呢?下面是我给大家整理的消失的英文是什么,供大家参阅!   消失的英文是什么   英 [ˌdɪsəˈpɪə(r)] 美 [ˌdɪsəˈpɪr]   disappear   vi. 不见,消失; 不复存在,灭绝;   变形 过去分词: disappeared 过去式: disappeared 现在分词: disappearing 第三人称单数: disappears   消失的英语例句   1. They observed the comet for 70 days before it faded from sight.   他们观察了这颗彗星70天,直至其慢慢从视线中消失。   2. Claire stared after him until he disappeared around a corner.   克莱尔一直注视着他,直到他消失在拐角。   3. The smile disappeared to be replaced by a doleful frown.   笑容消失了,取而代之的是哀伤的蹙眉。   4. I want to teach Irish so that it won'tdie out.   我想教爱尔兰语,这样它就不会彻底消失。   5. Harris disappeared from the scene as suddenly as he had appeared.   哈里斯突然出现,又突然消失了。   6. In the last 30 years many cherished values have bitten the dust.   在过去的30年中,许多珍贵的价值观已经消失殆尽。   7. He switched off the transformer and the buzzing stopped.   他关掉变压器,嗡嗡声就消失了。   8. And then, suddenly, the euphoria began to drain away.   随后,狂喜的感觉突然开始消失了。   9. After the show, the audience deserts the Blackpool streets.   演出结束后,观众从布莱克浦的大街上消失了踪迹。   10. A faint smile crossed the Monsignor's face and faded quickly.   一丝敷衍的微笑从那位大人脸上掠过,很快就消失了。   11. Under the pretence of lighting a candle, she evades him and disappears.   她假装点蜡烛,避开他消失了。   12. Political trials were being used to keep prominent activists out of circulation.   通过对著名活动家进行政治审判使其从公众视线中消失。   13. The sound comes up and slowly fades away into the distance.   声音响起来,又慢慢消失在远处。   14. She stood watching the car's tail-lights disappear down the drive.   她站在那儿,望着小汽车的尾灯消失在车道尽头。   15. The girl may or may not outgrow her interest in fashion.   这个女孩对时尚的兴趣可能会随着年龄的增长而消失,也可能不会。   disappear的双语例句   1. She stood watching the car's tail-lights disappear down the drive.   她站在那儿,望着小汽车的尾灯消失在车道尽头。   2. He saw something dark disappear behind the curtain of leaves.   他看到一个黑漆漆的东西从浓密的树叶后消失了。   3. It was uncharacteristic of her father to disappear like this.   就这样消失不像她父亲的一贯作风。   4. Year by year great swathes of this small nation's countryside disappear.   年复一年,这个小国家的乡村面积正在一片片地大量消失。   5. The snow will soon disappear when the warm weather comes.   天气变暖时,雪很快就会融化.   6. His apparent unwillingness would disappear if we paid him enough.   如果我们付足了钱,他露出的那副不乐意的神情就会消失.   7. Price control would gradually disappear in favor of a free market.   价格控制逐渐被自由市场所代替.   8. Only when the means of production were communally owned would classes disappear.   只有当生产工具公有时,阶级才会消失.   9. This soap works like magic — the stains just disappear.   这种肥皂真神奇,污垢一下子就没了.   10. The rumour had to disappear before facts.   在真相面前谣言不得不消声匿迹.   11. They run away from the problem, hoping it will disappear of its own accord.   他们避开了这个问题,希望它不了了之。   12. The unions are worried that at least 100,000 jobs will disappear as a result of privatization.   工会担心私有化至少会造成10万个工作岗位的丧失。   13. Mist was rising, and trees and shrubs began to disappear in a milk-white haze.   起雾了,树木和矮树丛开始消失在一片乳白色的岚霭之中。   14. They approach, embrace, and poof! they disappear in a blinding flash of light.   他们走近、拥抱,然后噗的一下就在一道炫目的光亮中消失了。   15. As soon as the police disappear the violence will take up from where it left off.   警察一走,暴力事件就会死灰复燃。   


  英 [ˌdɪsəˈpɪər] 美 [ˌdɪsəˈpɪr]


  vi. 不见,消失; 不复存在,灭绝;

  变形 过去分词: disappeared 过去式: disappeared 现在分词: disappearing 第三人称单数: disappears
  1. They observed the et for 70 days before it faded from sight.


  2. Claire stared after him until he disappeared around a corner.


  3. The *** ile disappeared to be replaced by a doleful frown.


  4. I want to teach Irish so that it won'tdie out.


  5. Harris disappeared from the scene as suddenly as he had appeared.


  6. In the last 30 years many cherished values have bitten the dust.


  7. He switched off the transformer and the buzzing stopped.


  8. And then, suddenly, the euphoria began to drain away.


  9. After the show, the audience deserts the Blackpool streets.


  10. A faint *** ile crossed the Monsignor's face and faded quickly.


  11. Under the pretence of lighting a candle, she evades him and disappears.


  12. Political trials were being used to keep prominent activists out of circulation.


  13. The sound es up and slowly fades away into the distance.


  14. She stood watching the car's tail-lights disappear down the drive.


  15. The girl may or may not outgrow her interest in fashion.

  1. She stood watching the car's tail-lights disappear down the drive.


  2. He saw something dark disappear behind the curtain of leaves.


  3. It was uncharacteristic of her father to disappear like this.


  4. Year by year great swathes of this *** all nation's countryside disappear.


  5. The snow will soon disappear when the warm weather es.


  6. His apparent unwillingness would disappear if we paid him enough.


  7. Price control would gradually disappear in favor of a free market.


  8. Only when the means of production were munally owned would classes disappear.


  9. This soap works like magic — the stains just disappear.


  10. The rumour had to disappear before facts.


  11. They run away from the problem, hoping it will disappear of its own accord.


  12. The unions are worried that at least 100,000 jobs will disappear as a result of privatization.


  13. Mist was rising, and trees and shrubs began to disappear in a milk-white haze.


  14. They approach, embrace, and poof! they disappear in a blinding flash of light.


  15. As soon as the police disappear the violence will take up from where it left off.





消失的英文是:disappear。 v. 消失,不见;失踪,丢失;不复存在,灭绝 vt. 使…不存在;使…消失 短语 Will the hushed tones disappear 安静的气氛将消失了吗 ; 这些音符会消失吗 ; 那安静的音调会消失么 You Better Disappear 你最好消失 ; 你最好滚蛋 ; 你最好消散 词语辨析 fade, disappear, vanish 这组词都有“消失”的意思,其区别是: fade v.指衣服的颜色褪色,声音的逐渐消失。 The wallpaper has faded from red to pale pink.墙纸从红色褪成了淡粉色。 disappear v.消失,不见;灭绝,不复存在。是个一般用语。 The little dog was just there, then he disappeared.那条小狗刚才就在那里,然后就不见了。 vanish v.消失,不见,指突然间化为乌有,强调非常彻底地、神秘莫测地消失、失踪。 The man ran into the shop and vanished from sight.那个男子跑到了商店里,然后就消失了。